WIL Entertainment Talks & Interviews

Lauren King
USA 1736598420
Clementine Fletcher-Smith
UK 1736598360
Clara Daguin
France 1736598120
Christina Thanasoula
Greece 1736597880
Akari Lisa Ishii
Japan // I.C.O.N. 1668188640
Yanina Kovalevska
Poland, Ukraine // PR MUSIC 1668188340
Briony Berning
UK // Ambersphere Solutions 1668188100
Cristina Martinez
Belgium // ACTLD 1668187260
Emily Bornt
USA // Lighting Entertainment and Production Services 1668186660Interviews

Lucy Carter
UK 1708427820
Ellen Ruge
Sweden 1707190560
Cara Hood
UK 1706585460
Paule Constable
UK // National Theatre 1706264400
Isabelle Corten
Sweden // Radiance35 1698251400
Emma Weil
Sweden // The Royal Swedish Opera 1698250980
Julie Boniche
France // Moment Factory 1698250260
Natalie Heckl
Germany 1698248520
Sophie Blondeau
Canada // Pix Mob 1687197000
Solveig Busler
Germany // Schick Snack Systems 1687196880
Raquel Rosildete
Germany 1687196820
Emma Woolf
UK // Osram 1687196700
Daksha Suryavamshi
Germany // Tranzept 1687196520
Amy D. Lux
USA // LoboLux Design 1687196280
Ghada Dwaik
Egypt // GD Lighting Design 1687195740
Celine Royer
USA 1671267000
Sooner Routhier
USA // Sooner Rae Creative 1649350680
Emmanuelle Gigi Pedron
USA // Gigilights 1649350080
Mildred Moyo
Zimbabwe // Phenomenal Lighting and Power Solutions 1631498400
Megumi Yatabe
Japan // Nippon Television Network Corporation 1631498400
Anne Militello
USA // Vortex Lighting 1631498400
Kam Beaman
Designer, Entertainment, Director, Technician // United States 1734555720
Aideen Malone
Designer, Entertainment // UK 1682612760
Eliza Alexandropoulou
Designer, Entertainment, Artist // Greece 1681851360
Mary J. Varher
Designer, Entertainment, Artist, Blogger, Educator, Engineer // México 1675186020
Karla Lopez
Designer, Entertainment, Artist, Director, Engineer, Producer // México 1668319860
Carrie Heisler
Entertainment // USA 1664553480
Christina Thanasoula
Designer, Entertainment // Greece 157493886050/50
A virtual and collaborative light art installation from Sophya Acosta Lighting Design Studio in Argentina and WIL Entertainment supporter, Ayrton:
"50/50 proposes a conceptual approach to the WIL project through a genderless and symmetrical corporeal light. In this light art piece, we addressed the 50/50 concept proposed by WIL, which expresses the search for gender parity and equal working conditions in the lighting industry. As it is in heaven, it is on earth, as it is above, so it is below. This symmetry places us in an infinite space where all parts are essential to generate harmony. The work begins as a prism of light, which will slowly break its original shape to show us its different facets, shapes, and colors.
The intersection between the different beams of light, as WIL does, invites us to create different meeting points. As when all the women lighting designers of the world united, when we are together, we are a solid alliance, only possible from the sum of the unique characteristics of each one, with its particularities and facets. 50/50 is a work that inhabits virtual space as well as physical space. It is a piece of virtual Light Art to be seen on devices. Although the work is currently designed to generate an audiovisual record for social networks, in the future, it may be physically staged in the future.
The 50/50 staging was designed and created in the Ayrton Digital Lighting demo room in Paris and created specifically to use the MagicBlade-FX luminaire, making the most of its lighting possibilities. The MagicBlade-FX's were placed forming a prism of light from which the different moments of the piece were built. This prism represents the union between the four main actors that take part in the lighting industry: designers, suppliers, collaborators, and clients/audience."
Design: Sophya Acosta and Luciana Suppicich for Sophya Acosta Lighting Design Studio
Control and programming: GrandMA2 Martín Fernandez Paponi
Collaboration: Women in Lighting Argentina, Lía Bianchi.
Luminaire/Execution: MagicBlade-FX by Ayrton Digital Lighting
Pioneers of Light: a History of Women in Lighting Design
In this program, veteran lighting designers Anne Militello and Beverly Emmons discuss the history of the female pioneers who blazed new trails to create the field of lighting design. Learn more about influential designers you have heard about, and discover some you may not have.