T-shirt Design Competition

The T-shirt was originally designed to be a basic undergarment. But over the years, the world’s most ubiquitous fashion item has become a powerful political weapon. T-shirts are a great barometer of social change. They can shock, outrage, unite and challenge the status quo. They can also help to disseminate progressive messages around the world.

With a T-shirt as your canvas, WIL invited you to express your creativity to create a special WIL T-shirt that shared the values of our community. Using the themes of hope, equality, empowerment, inspiration and light, we invited you to submit a design.

Our judges chose 5 winners and the public vote picked one more. The profits generated by the sale of the winning t-shirt designs were donated to Light Reach - a solar lighting initiative created by lighting think-tank Phoscope.

The T-shirt shop is now closed.

WIL T-shirt designs

Competition Winners

Our judges have deliberated and these are the five competition winners. The sixth is the winner of the Wildcard Vote.

See All Submissions   The Judges
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