Your Interview Luciana Borgatello

Luciana Borgatello
Designer, Architect
Introduce yourself (name, company, position, country) and tell us how you got into lighting (including education/qualifications).
My name is Luciana Borgatello, I’m from Córdoba, Argentina. I’m an architect and a freelancer Lighting Designer. After graduate I started working in an architectural studio where I started to recognize my interest in lighting design. So I have travel to Barcelona to perform the cours Lighting Designin Elisava Institute where I have confirm that light issues are my passion.
Since then I continue majoring in every courses, workshops, congresses I can do, and I’m working as an independent lighting designer since 2014.
Tell us about your work – is there a specific type of project you like to work on or an area you specialise in and why?
I can’t say I specialise in a type of project, but since I started working in lighting design I have mainly worked in retail, houses, offices, facades and some residential buildings. I do architectural lighting design basically, althaugh I also like artistics installations and escenical lighting.
What project are you most proud of and why?
Specially in houses an offices I have always consider the Human Centric Lighting in the projects, but now I’m starting a research project in a School, evaluating the existing ilumination and the effects in students, and proposing a new lighting sistem thought for the needs of students and tachers in each moment of the day. I’m really excited with this project, for the challenge to get an intelligent illumination but without using an intelligent computer system that the school can’t afford.
What is the biggest challenge that you have overcome in your career?
I think I’m still going through my biggest challenge, which is work as an independent lighting designer in a city (Córdoba, Argentina) which that discipline did not exist.
How does light inspire you?
Light inspire me in all ways, now I became a “lighting freak” and I can’t stop seeing the effects of everyday lights in all type of surface. But the first remember I have of been inspire by light was in music shows and movies, and it still happens to me, I love how lights go through emotions as music does.
What is your message for other Women In Lighting?
My message for other Women In Lighting is keep sharing you experiences and achievments thast is very inspirational for all. The good lighting design is achieved whith technical knowledge but also whith sensitivity, who else better than momen to know how to handle those extremes?
Luciana is also the WIL Ambassador in Argentina.
“I think I'm still going through my biggest challenge, which is work as an independent lighting designer in a city (Córdoba, Argentina) which that discipline did not exist.”
Selected portfolio:
