Your Interview Claudia Giacomobello

Claudia Giacomobello
Designer, Educator
Lives in:
Milan, Italy
Born in:
Industrial Design 5 years Degree with a dual specialization in Lighting Design and Fashion Design & Management; Fashion Graphic Design Master’s Degree.
Started working with light in:
Now works at:
Savetheclock Design Studio
As well as being:
Co-founder & design lead at my own lighting design studio, teacher at ISAD and IDI institutes.
Has been awarded:
2015 CODEGA Special Mention for the lighting project of Cloister of SS.Trinità, Viterbo; 2014 Ideas Contest First Prize for Ex-Monastery of Succour of Altamura and Engagement for the Lighting & Exhibit Design Project; 2013 Decò Ter (Product Design Competition) Selection and Production of “In-Out-Lux” (lighting device for cycling lanes).
Travel, observe the details of the spaces and things that surround us, eat good food, hang out with good people.
“Be good at what you do, be proud of what you are.”
Selected portfolio: