An Interview with Tillett Lighting Design

Linnaea Tillett
USA // Tillett Lighting Design Associates
Linnaea Tillett
Lives in:
Brooklyn, New York
Born in:
Manhattan, New York
BSC Philosophy- PhD Environmental Psychology
Started working with light in:
Offices worked at:
Tillett Lighting Design Inc.
Now works at:
Tillett Lighting Design Inc.
Professional membership:
IALD (Associate) IES
Has been awarded:
- For 2019 (only) Honor Award, American Society of Landscape Architects. The Bentway, Toronto, ON
- Cultural Landscape Foundation Stewardship Excellence Award. Peavey Plaza, Minneapolis, MN.
- Society for College and University Planning Excellence in Landscape Architecture Merit Award. Drexel University Campus Core. Philadelphia, PA
Modern Dance, Poetry.
“Mentoring is where you are without self-interest, without any advantage to yourself, choosing to develop someone else across a range of skills.”