An Interview with Monica Luz Lobo

Monica Luz Lobo
Designer, Educator
Brazil // LD Studio
Lives in:
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Born in:
Architect and certified lighting designer, CLD ( 2017 )
Started working with light in:
Offices worked at:
Esther Stiller & Gilberto Franco Consultores de Luminotécnica
Now works at:
LD Studio – Founder and creative director
As well as being:
Lighting activist
Professional membership:
Has been awarded:
- 2000 Illumination Award of Excellence for interior lighting design / Edwin F. Guth Memorial Award – Igreja da Lapa dos Mercadores
- 2006 IALD Award of Merit and Illumination Award of Excellence for exterior lighting / Paul Waterbury award – Igreja de São Francisco de Assis da Pampulha
- 2017 Illumination Award of Excellence for interior lighting design / Edwin F. Guth Memorial Award – Museu do Amanhã / Museum of Tomorrow
- 2017 Darc Awards Architectural – Structures low budget and Darc of Darcs – Guindastes do Pier Mauá / Pier Mauá cranes
To be in love
“We need to celebrate female characteristics like intuition, multi tasking abilities, empathy, sensitivity, courage and resilience.”