An Interview with Giorgia Brusemini

Giorgia Brusemini
Designer, Blogger
Italy // Ogni Casa E’ Illuminata
Lives in:
Milan, Italy
Born in:
Product Designer and Lighting designer blogger
Started working with light in:
Offices worked at:
Franco Raggi Architect
Now works at:
BLOG Ogni casa illuminata
As well as being:
Mum, Milano Light Tour guide and supervisor of theTriennale meetings in Milan of the Design People Milano group
Has been awarded:
Milano LED Festival
Eating good food with good friends, the darkness of the night, sometimes the real silence
“I would like to quote Alda Merini, an important Italian poet: ‘I ought to apologize to myself for believing that I was never enough…'”
Giorgia is also the WIL Ambassador in Italy.
Some of Giorgia’s work: