An Interview with Birgit Walter

Birgit Walter
Spain // BMLD
Lives in:
Born in:
Bachelor’s Degree – Interior Designer/Barcelona, Master’s Degree - Fine Arts/NYC
Start of journey:
Offices worked at:
Horton Lees LD & Brandston Partnership, NYC
Now works at:
As well as being:
Co-Director and Professor of the Lighting Design Master’s Program/Polytechnic University of Barcelona between 2008 - 2016. Teaches at Elisava as part of the “Private Perimeters” Master’s Degree
Professional membership:
Co-founder of the APDI, Professional member IALD
Has been awarded:
darc awards 2017 – HPS Lobby, IDA bronze Design Award - Bellavista Restaurant, Best Ínterior Design Award, 2013 – Pakta Restaurant
Bombay’s Twilight – at seafront or any rooftop!!
“Support the work of one and other, the new generation of lighting designers include many women and I hope, that with everybody’s work, they will be able to start their profession a bit better every day.”
Some of Birgit’s work: